Monday, February 1, 2010


A friend of mine wrote on facebook that it was -19 degrees in Stockhom yesterday. -19 degrees!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous. It's just wrong. Why do people live there? It must be because of the beautiful Swedish summers. Anyone who has ever been to Sweden in summer knows that there is no better place on earth. The Australian beaches can't compete. Picking wild strawberries and raspberries by the side of the road, sailing up the west coast, swimming in all the small lakes and the never ending daylight. How I miss it. Sweden in summer IS more beautiful than anything else. That's just the way it is.

But I still don't understand why people put up with -19?? Can someone please explain?


  1. yeah, that whole 2 weeks of glory sweden gets is totally worth -19 ;)

  2. and blueberries!! and chantarelle mushrooms (you can't get in Australia)
    p.s. I love that you wrote West coast (forget the East hey??)
