Spent the last day of my 'in-between-jobs' days off climbing in Barrenjoey with Brett and R. It was a perfect day for climbing- occasional sunshine but still quite cool.
We had to walk through a whole heap of water to get to the climbing area. Since I was wearing my awesome Crocs I was totally happy doing this as opposed to R who had to take her shoes and socks off. . And no, I don't have the ugly classic Crocs but really stylish ones with diamontes. I don't recommend bringing a Cappuccino along though. It just makes it difficult.
I don't have any pics of Brett but I have a video that I couldn't work out how to post. But I will once I have worked it out.
So, basically we had an absolutely fabulous day climbing and I can't wait until we can do it again. Next time we are planning to do a multi pitch climb in the Blueys - Baby Carrots. So excited!
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