Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter break

So this very long easter long weekend has finally come to an end, and I I've had an absolutely fabulous time. We started the weekend with a camping trip to our beloved Blue Mountains, or more precisely the Megalong Valley just outside of Blackheath. Despite the shitty weather (rain and 10 degrees) we had such a great time, much due to a tarp, ugg boots, blankets and an amazing fire. And lovely company of course!

We drove back to Sydney on Sunday night and had a relaxing night at home eating takeaway and watching true blood.

On Monday I did a fair bit of studying but also managed to squeeze in lunch with D, K and little miss E who came out to Manly for a visit.

Miss E is absolutely adorable and is so fascinated with everything that goes on around her.

Seriously, have you ever seen anything cuter?

Today we spent most of the day indoors, studying and staying out of the rain. In the afternoon we made our way to the city to visit the apple store and get our iphones fixed. My iphone camera has been frozen four the last four months and Brett's phone ended up in a glass of wine during camping. And it ended up with both of us getting brand new replacement phones.

Afterwards we were meant to go indoor climbing with PB and N, but we got to the climbing gym only to find out the had closed 5 minutes earlier. So disappointing. Instead we ended up having dinner and drinks at gazebo with a few friends, which was an absolutely perfect ending to this easter!

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