Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have...

...the most wonderful fiancé ever! This morning before he went to work he made a stew for me to have for dinner tonight because I'm sick. So cute. The stew was absolutely delicious and if anyone is interested (I know at least one person who is) I remembered to put it in the fridge after it cooled down.

Today has been a quite uneventful day - I'm still wearing the same tracksuit as I did when I woke up this morning. I've pretty much spent the whole day coughing and watching daytime TV. Today was actually the first time I turned the TV on for three months. It took me five minutes to work out the combination of buttons to press to get it going.

I also spent half an hour on the phone to LMC who is sick as well. She concluded that when you're sick all you want is to get better. You think about how happy and thankful you will be when you finally get well, and believe that all you want in life is to be healthy. But that's not how it works. Because as soon as you are healthy you completely forget what it was like to be sick and immediately start wanting all the things you wanted before you got sick - like a new car and new clothes.

It may seem like a simple observation but it is so true! She's wise, LMC. And a good listener. Which are excellent attributes for a future psychologist!


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